A Moment of Truth
Gary Clark
Pastor Gary came to know the Lord in his mid-teen years and attended Piedmont Bible College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, as well as Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.
“It’s truly been amazing how God has afforded me so many wonderful opportunities to work with extremely dedicated, gifted people and ministries, who have impacted my walk in countless ways,” whether in Christian Camping at Camp Haluwasa, Para Church groups like Elevate, or various Church Ministries that include Gloucester County Community Church, Olivet United Methodist Church and Cedar Brook Bible Church. The “tag” line at the opening of this Bio is not taken lightly. It truly is my desire to know Him more. I also want to see Christ lifted up and proclaimed in a world that so desperately needs to see Him. How is this to be done? I solidly believe there is no better way than sharing the truth of God’s Word in its entirety, and sharing the love that Jesus exemplified. Teaching that truth and sharing that love will always be the cornerstone of what I am impressed upon to do. It’s one of the many reasons I am so blessed to be part of what God is doing now in my life and the group I am part of as we continue to follow Him and His call.”
Gary resides in Pitman, NJ with his wife, Valerie and their four children–Josiah, Micah, Hannah and Alethea–one dog named Mistletoe, and unfortunately, Kevin the cat.
Web: www.cc-gc.org/
pastorccgc (at) gmail.com856.302.1804