Cornerstone Connection
Gary Hamrick
Pastor Gary Hamrick has been in full time ministry since 1987 when he first served as a youth pastor to high school teens. Then in 1991 he began pastoring Cornerstone Chapel when all 18 charter members asked him to become the first pastor of this new, start-up church. Today, Cornerstone is the church home to a few thousand weekly worshipers, and it is Pastor Gary’s desire to equip them through the teaching of God’s Word, relating the truth of the Bible to everyday life in practical, relevant ways.
Gary received Christ as his personal Lord and Savior when he was 15 years of age while attending a youth retreat with his uncle’s church in the Catoctin Mountains near Thurmont, MD. Soon thereafter, Gary wrestled with a “call” into the ministry, but he decided instead to pursue a Journalism track in college with aspirations of becoming a broadcast journalist. Before long, Gary responded to God’s call, changed schools, completed a Bachelor of Biblical Studies, and was ordained by Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowship of Costa Mesa, California.
Pastor Gary has been married to Terri since 1987 and they have three grown children who also serve at the church — Tyler (married to Cayla), Austin (married to Morgan), and Lindsey. Terri volunteers as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Cornerstone.
Pastor Gary is an avid news “junkie” and enjoys fishing, hiking, playing sports, and umpiring high school (Babe Ruth) baseball. He also serves as the Chief Chaplain for the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office, ministering to 600 sworn deputies and 150 civilian personnel.
Web: www.cornerstonechapel.net
church (at) cornerstonechapel.net