So What Radio
Lon Solomon was born and raised in a Jewish home in Portsmouth, VA. While in college, Lon’s life became a relentless search for meaning and purpose. He sought to fill the void he felt on the inside with fraternity life, partying, gambling, and a serious drinking problem. When all this failed to supply the inner peace he was seeking, he turned to “spiritual” things, diving into psychedelics, Eastern religions and even attempting a return to mainstream Judaism. But all this failed to resolve his inner turmoil, and he decided that suicide was the only reasonable way out.
It was at this time that Lon met a street evangelist in Chapel Hill, NC who began to talk to him about Jesus Christ. God worked powerfully through months of interaction with this man, resulting in Lon’s decision to accept Jesus as his personal Savior and Messiah in the spring of 1971.
Lon is a marvelous example of God’s transforming power in action.
Subsequent to his decision to accept Christ, Lon was able to quit the drug and alcohol abuse that had plagued his life for years. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.S. in Chemistry (1971). He completed a Th.M. degree in Hebrew and Old Testament at Capital Bible Seminary (1975, summa cum laude). He completed graduate work at Johns Hopkins University, receiving a Masters Degree in Near Eastern Studies in 1979. He taught Hebrew and Old Testament at Capital Bible Seminary from 1975-1980. In 1980, Lon became the Senior Pastor at McLean Bible Church. He received a Doctorate of Divinity degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 2005.
Lon’s 30-minute, broadcast called “SO WHAT?” characterizes the essence of Lon’s timeless message: What difference does the Bible make for our lives in the 21st century? His practical and down-to-earth treatment of Scripture is always challenging and thought provoking. Over the years, this broadcast has pointed thousands of people to Christ.
info (at) lonsolomonministries.com866.788.7770