The Word of Life
Mark Abrams
Pastor Mark sees himself as a bondservant of Jesus Christ. He loves the Word of God and also has a heart for inner city missions and evangelism. He has a great love to serve and partner with both urban and suburban churches/pastors for the furtherance of the gospel.
Mark and his wife Charlene served many churches over a period of time as inner city missionaries and have witnessed countless souls being ushered into kingdom of God and planted into various local churches. However during that time Mark responded to God calling him to settle down and start a bible study in one of the more challenging communities in North Philadelphia. Responding to the call, Calvary Chapel of Word of Life was birthed out of that Bible study.
On September 11, 2005, Chapel of Word of Life began its first Sunday morning service and has now grown to be a sweet loving and serving fellowship. Being in the center of Metropolitan Philadelphia the Lord has also allowed the privilege of countless outreaches serving the poor, needy and brokenhearted. Mark has a heart for the homeless and works with countless shelters, while seeing the lives of many being transformed by Christ.
Mark and his wife Charlene, love serving together and, as a family have seen God add to their spiritual family, a host of wonderful people that they labor with daily. Calvary Chapel of Word of Life has touched the lives of many people in the Philadelphia and Germantown area.
Mark believes that only the Word of God can change a person’s heart and life. For Your word has given me life as it says in Psalm 119:50b
Web: www.ccwordoflife.org
info (at) ccwordoflife.org