Focal Point
Mike Fabarez
Pastor Mike Fabarez is the Senior Pastor of Compass Bible Church in South Orange County, California.
Pastor Mike is passionate about clearly communicating God’s word. He works hard to ensure quality teaching and encourages his listeners to apply what they’ve heard to their lives by supplying them with application questions and resources to help equip them.
Mike earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Theology from Moody Bible Institute and received his liberal arts education at the University of Arizona. He earned his Master’s degree from Talbot School of Theology and his Doctorate from Westminster Theological Seminary in California. In addition to the Focal Point radio program, Mike is the author of Preaching That Changes Lives, Praying For Sunday, Saturday’s Hope, Bible Survey for Kids, Beyond Bible Basics, Why The Bible? and Partners: A One On One Discipleship Program. Mike and his wife, Carlynn, reside in Laguna Hills, California with their three children, Matthew, John and Stephanie.
Web: www.focalpointministries.org
orders (at) fpr.info888.320.5885